Dear Fellow Supporter,

It has become a topic of much conversation among former players and supporters and lots of reminiscing about

previous successes that has developed into how we as a group can support the club.

With this in mind, we have decided to form a group titled The Old Pooraka Bulls. Becoming a member of this

group gives you the chance to support the Pooraka Sports and Social Club in growing and developing it’s on and

off field success. So even if you are unable to play, coach, physically help or attend games as you would like you

can still help us achieve that by being a member. The cost of membership is $5.00 per week.

The Pooraka Sports and Social Club is an organization we all feel strongly about, by becoming a member of the

Old Pooraka Bulls, you will help maintain the history of the club and contribute towards the clubs future

success. Running costs rise every year and while all profits go back into running the club, greater financial

resources are required to maintain and develop the playing group and the facilities.

The inaugural meeting of the five founding members in October 2018 formed a committee and nominated

office bearers as follows;

Bill Kirkwood – Chairperson

Daryl Carr - Secretary

Jim McLeod - Treasurer

Sam Kelly – Cricket representative

Kym Fullgrabe – Football representative

By August 2019, the membership totalled 30 members which, by the end of December 2023, has now grown to

61 members.

This has the potential to have a positive impact on all the clubs sporting teams. It also has the potential to

further enhance the club and create a family friendly venue to be enjoyed by all.

Kind regards

Bill Kirkwood Chairperson

Membership of the Old Pooraka Bulls

Become a member today, just fill this form !!

Please contact Daryl Carr for more information, M. 0405480200

A bank account under the name of The Old Pooraka Bulls has been setup for this purpose. All you need to do is

arrange a direct debit from your bank account to the nominated account below.

Account name: Old Pooraka Bulls BSB: 035046

Account number: 498422 Description: Name of payee

Amount: $5.00 (if payment is weekly)

Note that payment can be made at the payee’s discretion, i.e. weekly, fortnightly, monthly or yearly.